Channel 5 The Truth About Dog’s Food.
TV at its worst.
What a shame! A chance for a television program to actually make a difference to our dog’s health and wellbeing.
Time to uncover the truth about the terrible dog food industry. And the health and behavioural issues, that some of these companies are visiting on the UKs favourite pet “The Dog”
What did they do? Arty Farty slow-motion close-ups on dogs eating various types of food.
No opinion on which is the worst or the best. No Opinion on the specific companies that need naming like Baker’s and Pedigree. and many others. In other words a complete bottle out and a total fudge.
No truth, no opinion, and no hard-hitting facts. What a waste of space. It was also a waste of one hour of my life, to watch drivel like this
Whoever directed this “hard-hitting program” (sic) Should go back to whatever advertising agencies they came from. And please let us have one TV company that really uncovers the facts.
Channel 5 is not that company. There is a very good reason for that statement. I am no fan of how the BBC is run and their politics. But at least they are not in the thrall of the megabucks, that these dog-food manufacturers have at there disposal for TV advertising.
Channel 5 were never going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.
I have also written a blog about the PFMA and Professor Peter Neville. The PFMA (Pet Food Manufacturers Association) issued a long press release stating “PREPARED PET FOODS DELIVER OPTIMUM NUTRITION” I would add a word at the beginning of that statement “SOME”
Therefore my blog pulls no punches with regard to the PFMA and its expert Mr Neville.
Stan Rawlinson
Dog Behaviourist and Obedience Trainer
February 2014