Gold Label ‘Ultimate’ Mane & Tail Conditioning Spray


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Gold Label Coat and Tail Conditioner Many products made for horses are used for dogs.

This is one of the better-known secrets, I believe it to be the best product on the market when used for dogs.

Try and get the same thing with dogs written on it and it costs four times more

Though It was created to shine and condition the mane, tail and coat of horses. It is absolutely brilliant for dogs coats and tails

It aids ease of grooming and prevents tangles and debris in the tail, coat and feathers. It also can be applied wet or dry.

Doesn’t matter what season we’re in Winter, Summer, Spring or Autumn. Our dogs still get their coats covered with burrs, seeds and all types of nettles, thorns and vegetation.

I have five Working Cockers and they were a nightmare to detangle after a day out in the park, If they were working on a shoot or just generally hunting through the bushes, it became a  long job to groom and detangle their coats.

This stuff makes my life so much easier and it makes their coat shine with health. I cannot recommend it enough.

My wife and family have started using it on their own hair they say it gives body and shine.

A 500ml Spray for ease of application lasts a long time, let’s face it was created for horses.

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Weight 0.49 kg
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