The Doglistener Dog Store

The Dog Store

30 High Street, Hampton Hill TW12 1PD

My Online Store


Our Dog Store Is unique in the fact that what we sell is totally natural. We do not stock anything in our online or physical shop that has any additives, preservatives, colourants or chemicals whatsoever. We do not sell any products that have grains or gluten in the ingredients. We also do not sell plastic toys as many of these are chemically made.  Our famous Air Dried Natural Dog Treats have NO additives whatsoever including antibiotics or growth hormones (steroids) they are all organic human-grade and free-range. a lot of our products are also British Made.

Specialised Dog Training Aids.

I have sold my specialised treats, leads and collars, training aids and techniques that actually work for all ages of dogs for many years. They include my famous training aid The Jingler which can train dogs in minutes rather than days or weeks

These unique products were originally only available online from my website, which meant that you could not feel or even see the quality of my large range of products.

You could not buy or view them in pet shops as I do not currently supply them to other shops. Except on my online store as many of the products are unique to my own brand and that includes my range of Air Dried Dog Treats with over 50 types to choose from.

I felt it was time that I opened a physical shop where you can test the goods, try them out and put them on and see and feel the quality first-hand. I manufacture my own brand of treats, leads and collars for all sizes of dogs. I will only ever sell products that I believe to be ethical and many of my goods are made in the UK.


My Dog Store is a new concept and is a totally Natural Dog Store, Which means I will not stock any product that has artificial colourants, flavouring, preservatives, antibiotics, growth hormones, or grain of any kind, It will mainly be related to dogs but will have a small cat section.

I envisaged a store that is for dogs only and that is what I created initially in Sheen we have now closed that store and have moved to larger premises in Hampton Hill the address is The Dog Store 30 High Street Hampton Hill TW12 1PD. 

I have added many more products in my physical store than are available from my online shop. I will be stocking quality crates, harnesses, treats, and a full range of my famous dog leads but with a far wider choice to choose from.

Monday – Saturday: 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Sunday: CLOSED

At the other end of the scale is the pregnant mothers and of course the puppies themselves. Therefore I now stock the finest puppy weaning porridge with its vast array of vitamins and vital minerals.

I fed my own pregnant dog on the specialised porridge in week six of her pregnancy and of course, at 3.5 weeks the pups were weaned on this porridge.

My own dogs have been fed on these supplements for over 3 years now. And the litter of puppies were quite amazing because of it

The dog I kept back out of the litter is called Gunner he is the one with the white collar on the picture right and is shown in the picture above two years later.

This is Fizz and her pups the day after birth, she looked fabulously healthy and just look at the coats on the one-day-old pups. they shine with vigour. I also had no runt of the litter. I believe that was because of the care I took with the mother whilst she was pregnant see my article (2) The Pregnant Dog.

I have added to my extensive range of ethical Doglistener Air-Dried Dog Treats only available from me and let me remind people that these treats are unique as they must adhere to my strict guidelines.

They now include Rabbit Ears with Fur and Beef Scalp with Fur as they are natures natural dewormers, as they remove the eggs and worms as they sweep through the digestive system. For me to accept the treats I needed to be able to guarantee their provenance and I required the producers to fulfil my ethical criteria.

For them to fulfil those requirements, they had to be from free-range animals. All grown as nature intended with no growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics, and non-halal and from EU regulated livestock. They also had to be totally natural without any additives colourants or even spices.

They also must be from human-grade animals, not the so-called 4-D meat that gets its name from diseased, dying, disabled and dead livestock, deemed unfit for human consumption. Once I found suitable suppliers from only EU countries with stringent requirements regarding animal husbandry, I had one final condition. I did not want them stocked in warehouses for years before getting to my shelves.

Dog Store.

My Daughter Louise is also a trainer and runs my puppy classes. If  Louise and I do not know or cannot help you with your training problems, I would be amazed. The address of the store is The Dog Store, 30 High Street, Hampton Hill Greater London TW12 1PD Literally 150 yards from Paws for Coffee. Phone 020 8977 3198

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(1) The Pregnant Dog

(2) Dog Supplements

(3) The Jingler

(4) Ethical Own Brand Air-Dried Dog Treats

(5) Is the Veterinary Profession Broken